Why Not?!?
Why Not?!?
This post is for everyone who is wanting a fresh new start! So during this quarantine I took a break from social media, I won’t lie I would go on here and there…double tap double tap. Before this lockdown I remember my close family friend asked me, “ Chelsea if you could do anything what would you do?” I won’t lie I got a bit emotional (I’m not afraid to express my emotions highs and lows ) so I didn’t know whether to look at her eyes, I answered, “ I would …” I won’t give too much information of what I told her because that conversation was heart to heart vibes inside my salon suite. I was constantly thinking what do I really want, remind you I am a Gemini Babe mixed with some Leo and Aquarius. I know you’re probably like “Um, okay…” P.S. I love astrology, any topic let’s talk about it vibes.
But to be continued, This quarantine gave me a clear vision of what I really wanted in my life. When I mean what do I really want in career, goals, soul tribe and authenticity, excuse my French but this bitch is about to get real on certain topics. I know one thing I am meant to write, writing soothes my soul as well as music.
Although we are all going through major changes…we are all connected together during this time. I personally really want people to go after their dreams! If you see , believe and own your vision it’s all yours no one else’s. My self personally I was like okay, I am an esthetician who loves everything about aesthetics. I had to be really clear on what I wanted. It took me awhile I won’t lie….like “Hello Universe! God! A sign please…anything.” On my list writing was written down, I love to freely write, fiction, non-fiction or little real segments of everyday life. That’s when the lightbulb went on…let me start a blog on my website…like my title Why Not?!? So, that is what I am doing…starting a blog on my website. I am excited , happy and forever grateful I am able to do this.
If anything just get clarity on what you really want…aren’t you entitled to that, to do what you really love?
Thank you for reading this far, stay tuned. My next post is about Self-care products that I am a bit obessed about!
Much love,
Chelsea M. Soto “Your favorite Gemini”